Once upon a time there was a traveler lost in the woodlands of the Morvan.
No matter how hard he tried to figure out his map, the lost traveler couldn’t find his way back home.
As the sun was setting, and the cold of the night setting in, the lost traveler was getting increasingly worried and tired, when he saw a light in the distance, and decided to walk towards it.
The lost traveler finally came to a large clearing, whose center was occupied by a strange building.
It was massive like a manor, but shaped like a giant trunk, and complete with a giant leather handle on the roof, and what seemed like a giant key ring hanging from it.
Its walls were covered in a mysterious Chevron motif, intertwined with a name: “Goyard”, it read.
The lost traveler climbed the majestic stairs leading up to the strange trunk-like edifice, and pulled the giant key ring, hoping for help.
Something very strange then happened to the lost traveler: he felt himself being whisked away at light-speed, like through a tunnel of light, only to find himself back in his bed, safe and warm.
The lost traveler thought it had all been just a weird dream, when he noticed an object lying at the foot of his bed.
A trunk eerily similar to the strange building of his dream.
But was it only a dream?
The lost traveler made sure to never travel again without his trunk, never got lost in the forest again, and lived happily ever after.